Exhibition Opening: Art is our resilience

*Art is our Resilience* exhibition is part of the Erasmus+ project
Youth+Art=Resilience in which Verein InterAktion is a partner. During the
implementation of the project we organized art workshops with young people
with a refugee background and created some of the art pieces you will be
able to see. Some of them were also created during the international Youth
exchange “Art is our resilience” that took place in Schardorf and gathered
30 young people from Austria, Italy, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia.
The aim of the project is to help young people with fewer opportunities
find refuge and resilience in the arts.
The arts can give people a voice and the power to face and resolve
problems. Art has the power to bring communities closer, reveal stress, and
help those in crucial positions such as youth with fewer opportunities to
recover faster through the tough times. Art can be a refuge for many young
people with fewer opportunities and help them cope with stress levels,
anxiety, and improve their mental well-being. Art is used as a “tool†in
youth work often for reflection purposes, self-expression, or measuring
learning outcomes in an expressive way. With the project, we wish to build
a bridge between the currently most vulnerable target group youth
(indirectly youth sector) and the sector that provides the most inspiration
for resilience (art and culture sector).
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